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IFSC в рамках продвижения Всемирных игр 2021 года запускает новую акцию Instagram Questions. В рамках него федерация предлагает записывать тематические видео спортсменам. Лучшие из них появятся в официальном аккаунте международной федерации.

Напомним, что недавно ФСР успешно использовала похожий формат, пообщавшись со своими ведущими спортсменами и тренерами – подборка «Вечных вопросов» скалолазам.

Предлагаем всем желающим поучаствовать в акции IFSC. Условия указаны ниже.

In advance of the upcoming The World Games Birmingham 2021, the IFSC was invited to participate in their new Instagram Questions initiative. We ask you to help us create content for their Instagram account and continue to promote Sport Climbing globally by reaching out to your athletes with this request.

Create a video of your athletes introducing themselves and answering one of the below questions.

  • Name a sport you have always wanted to try outside of climbing. (February 10)
  • Why do you play your sport?
  • What do you want to know about The World Games 2021?
  • What makes a good coach?


Videos can be made in English or in the athlete’s native language (with English translation).


Videos can be filmed using a mobile phone and do not have to be edited.


Your video can be sent to press@ifsc-climbing.org with the subject line: TWG Instagram Questions by February 29, 2020.


If you would like to answer the first question, please send your response by the deadline indicated next to the question.


Thank you in advance.